SelectionPartner (SP) currently has accounts on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. Some of our job advertisements are also transported to Twitter.

Purpose and use
The main purpose of our social pages is to support the described purposes (click for more and related information).

Mainly, social channels are used to target job advertisements so as to make them as clear as possible and to meet people who may be interested in and relevant for posts to be occupied via SP.

Everyone with social media account has accepted an agreement with each medium and each one reinstates information about himself in the media. SP has regular access to information and statistics about its followers,  used by SP as described via link above.

If any of the social media providers publish and / or share personal information with others, beyond the agreement between the media and the user (s), then it is beyond control of SP. In that case, SP considers the deviation and consequences as the full responsibility of the media.

We strongly encourage everyone not to publish / share personal information through our pages. If this request is not followed, responsibility is attached to the person who publishes / shares such information, and his / her agreement with the relevant social media. Norwegian versions are superior English versions.

See also information from the National Data Inspectorate (Datatilsynet).

If you have any questions, requirements or suggestions for handling personal information, we will be happy to hear from you.

This page was last updated August 8, 2018.